Friday 8 February 2019

GIS in Schools

Some big news for geography (and geo in general) just before Christmas. ESRI - the largest supplier of GIS software in the world (and founded by the man with the excellent name - Jack Dangermond) has recently announced nearly half a billion euro worth of GIS and mapping software for primary and secondary schools around the country. Almost a million students, in 4,000 schools will all have free access to AGOL. This all feeds into the digital strategy action plan - launched in June by Minister Bruton and will be a huge benefit to students. There was one map on the wall of the geography class in my school - that was it.

Its a shame with this type of investment going into the schools that Geography is not still a compulsory subject at junior level.

Congrats to all involved in the initiative - I have heard a few familiar names come up in conversation.

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My name is Conor. I am a Lecturer at the Department of Geography at Maynooth University. These few lines will (hopefully) chart my progress through academia and the world of research.