Tuesday, 10 April 2018

Dun Laoghaire Pier - Network Surveys

Monday was a beautiful day out in Dun Laoghaire for the start of the network survey with the 2nd year Geos. Windy but sunny - the clouds started to roll in around 3pm, reminded me of my lunchtime walks when I was working with TWM before the office moved. Had a quick look around the library too - impressive.

Stage one as always is the recce - but when the students returned it turned out that large portions of the upper east pier was closed off due to storm damage either from Ophelia or Emma. I don't know if these slabs had been moved by waves crashing in and up from under the pier or they are the replacements (they don't look damaged) or else they had to remove them to access other damage but still these are big pieces of rock...

This meant all of those stations had to be repositioned for the network measurements and the rest of the day was spent doing that, only allowing a short amount of time in the PM for measurements from stations at the ends of either pier. This also meant reduced visibility as the students were now trying to see across the harbour from lower down. Lots of radio contact required to ensure inter-visibility,

Level survey and topo to follow later in the week but I am off to Grangegorman to help with the first year field trip there, looking forward to seeing it.

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My name is Conor. I am a Lecturer at the Department of Geography at Maynooth University. These few lines will (hopefully) chart my progress through academia and the world of research.