Friday, 12 January 2018

An chéad staisúin eile - nil sé Maigh Nuaid níos mó

I am checking out from Maynooth University today after nine very interesting years in research. I am sad to leave but it is a great opportunity to advance my own teaching and research as part of a really strong group who feed into the Geo community in Ireland at almost every level. I'm joining the Department of Spatial Information Sciences in DIT as the new lecturer in Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry at the School of Surveying and Construction Management. I haven't gotten a look at my full timetable yet (20 teaching hours per week - yikes, supervision and research additional!) but I will most probably be contributing to the BSc in Geographic Science, the MSc's in Spatial Planning, Geospatial Engineering, GIS or Construction. I know the staff there very well from my own undergrad, SCSI and IIS work over the years and have a few papers in the pipeline with some of them already.

It occurred to me in the shower this morning that if I had proceeded with my original plan of doing a part time PhD instead of opting to go full time - at the end of those nine years I might only now be finishing it! What a horrible thought...

I will miss alot of people but "Geo" in Ireland is a very close-knit community so I'm sure I'll see them everywhere. So long Maigh Nuaid, you'll always be NUIM to me.

Note: The cúpla focail gaeilge that foreign students are sure to acquire over their time in NUIM will include, "An chéad statisúin eile - atá Maigh Nuaid" as it is what you hear on the train as it comes into the town.

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About Me

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My name is Conor. I am a Lecturer at the Department of Geography at Maynooth University. These few lines will (hopefully) chart my progress through academia and the world of research.