Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Wrecks off the Irish Coast

10 minutes to kill before a seminar - so no better time for a quick post!

The work I do with the SFI bathymetry project means I have to gather lots of different datasets. Two of the datasets are found on the GSI or INFOMAR GIS viewers, these are multi beam SONAR and aerial bathymetric LiDAR. They have a lot of great data freely available on there - but one distraction I came across was the shipwreck dataset. This is a dataset showing the location of, and information on, multiple shipwrecks along the Irish coast. Another cool feature is you can see the scan of the wrecks.

Here is one of the RMS Lusitania - a very famous WW1 ship whose sinking was credited with helping to bring America into the war.

Obviously they are not all as easily identifiable, some are old Napoleonic Frigates, etc. A very cool website - but the lack of wrecks on the west coast is quite puzzling...

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My name is Conor. I am a Lecturer at the Department of Geography at Maynooth University. These few lines will (hopefully) chart my progress through academia and the world of research.