NCG have been performing some spectral tests recently over grass plots (grass with different levels of nitrogen applied) in the Teagasc research centre in Fermoy, Cork. This is part of the GRASS-Q project that kicked off late last year (Mohammad, Aidan and Tim) - some interesting result coming out of it. They were a man short on the drone team so I was down lending a hand yesterday AM flying it for them at the crack of dawn to get in before grass cutting. We had the Sequioa mounted on the 3DR and also used the OCI2000 Hyperspec operating on the ground for some additional spectral profiles. All this in conjunction with Teagasc research staff using the Grassshopper (sonic grass press with GPS).
Beautiful weather as you can see from the pic, beautiful all weekend - so was very disappointing to see we had three rejections for image acquisition on 22nd, 23rd and 24th on the Dublin Port project with Darragh.