Monday, 24 October 2016

Image Derived Bathymetry at the INFOMAR Annual Conference

I presented some of our bathymetry results at the INFOMAR conference last week, we'd been using multiple satellite (Landsat 8, Sentinel 2a, RapidEye, Pleiades), airborne (the sensor pod with hyper, multi and RGB) and RPAS RGB imagery to derive bathymetry for a few different test sites around the coast. We'd been looking at different image processing methods to remove errors in the data following on reviewer comments from the Dublin bay paper . These are things such as sunglint, etc - and interestingly the algorithm we used (Hedley was developed by the same person we then collaborated on during the marine workshop a few weeks back. His background is in coral reef mapping - and these were originally 'errors' for him until he moved into bathymetry. 

Some very interesting talks at the INFOMAR conference and a great turn out - I learned about the some of the shallow, coastal banks which might be suitable for testing SDB away from the influences of the coast. Another interesting talk was from Dan Toal in UL on autonomous drone navigation and landing for getting around LOS restrictions by operating from a mobile nautical platform. A 3D interactive website for viewing shipwrecks and a few things looked good too, including RMS Leinster, built from CAD plans and then related to the multibeam point cloud for the wreck.

And I finally got a go of one of the augmented reality sandboxes. 

Tuesday, 18 October 2016


I've been very quiet on the blog front of late - mainly due to a new arrival in the family and also an ERC submission (just gone off this afternoon). I'll have to remedy my lack of posts soon as I'll be presenting slick mapping and satellite bathymetry at a number of conferences in the coming weeks and should have some good info to report back.

Saturday, 1 October 2016

Floating LiDAR

Two LiDAR principles that I have just heard about for the first time, floating LiDAR and LiDAR for wind measurements. I had no idea LiDAR could measure wind velocity - more data that I am probably throwing out and that could be reused... Apparently it uses LiDAR doppler shift to measure wind particles and is the next great thing for offshore wind measurements providing more info when choosing a site. I wonder what wavelength LiDAR they use?

About Me

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My name is Conor. I am a Lecturer at the Department of Geography at Maynooth University. These few lines will (hopefully) chart my progress through academia and the world of research.