Months (literally) of planning - cancellations, rescheduling - trying to get a satellite overpass, an aerial survey and a boat transect all to coincide with good weather (this is Ireland, I know!). Boats and planes booked to coincide with a Landsat 8 overpass later today - the boat crew have been out in Dublin Bay since 7:30am, but the cloud won't lift to give us enough altitude to get under it. Watching the weather all week it seemed we could get a break at lunchtime and still might - but sitting in the aerodrome now looking at the Metars
METAR EIDW 280730Z 21008KT 6000 -RADZ FEW005 BKN010 BKN020 16/14 Q1009 TEMPO 5000
which partly translates to:
Few clouds at 500 feet (200m)
Broken clouds at 1,000 feet (300m)
Broken clouds at 2,000 feet (600m)
means the gap may get pushed on. Anyway, lets hope! And we still have to deal with ATC in the bay...