No luck with the 3D printing unfortunately. I contacted the printers in the University and it turns out that the printer only prints in one colour. I think a shipwreck DSM in one colour would not be as impressive so I started looking through NCG files & folders for alternative models. We have some great ones of Maynooth campus from the 3D Campus project - created by Seamus Coveney and Damian Butler - both now employed elsewhere.
As you can probably see from the image, these models are a work of art (ignoring the architects input of course) - and the level of detail is incredible. Surveyed with a Leica Scan Station (or maybe it was a HDS3000) and created using Leica Cyclone and 3Ds Max, everything is included. Metal work on the top of the cross on the spire, stained glass windows, it's all there. But most importantly - it still looks great in one colour! So I cut out the Chapel, Spire and St Pats as these are the most impressive parts of the south campus and sent those off to the Library. Unfortunately it was a non-runner as the printers said the model was not 'watertight' enough.
Which is ironic as I really wanted to print a shipwreck.