Tuesday 27 May 2014

Journal Paper

Ok, I know I posted yesterday but this is too big a milestone  not to have a quick update.

After a big delay trying to commercialise my research, and even bigger delay due to some slightly dubious dealings with another journal, I had my first paper accepted.

Calculation of Target-Specific Point Distribution for 2D Mobile Laser Scanners


After discussing the situation with the Professor at the NCG, he very kindly gave me permission to go for an open-access journal, Sensors, as rest of the available options were linked to said dubious journal. Open access journals bypass the traditional publication model by charging readers/libraries for subscriptions and move the cost to the author. I won't say I am overjoyed at having to pay for my first journal paper, or at not having a hard copy (when you picture your first journal paper during work on your thesis - it's a not a pdf), but I am delighted to have gotten it into such a high impact factor journal. It's higher than most of the more common subscription based RS journals, and I use their papers regularly. I have another one ready to go to Sensors's sister journal, Remote Sensing.

May there be many more.

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About Me

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My name is Conor. I am a Lecturer at the Department of Geography at Maynooth University. These few lines will (hopefully) chart my progress through academia and the world of research.